Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Frescoed Houses - Oberammergau

Depicting both religious and secular scenes, frescoed houses are a charming characteristic of the Bavarian Alps. One of the best places to admire them is Oberammergau, the village famed for its passion play.

It was a nice co-incedence that we stopped by this beautiful village during our road trip in Germany. Wish we had more time to spend here !

Oberammergau houses depict biblical scenes as well as fairy tales.

The frescoes of this region are known as "Lüftlmalerei" or "Lüftl frescoes." The name is believed to be derived from the house of the most renowned facade painter in Oberammergau, Franz Seraph Zwinck, which is called "Zum Lüftl".

All images by Anupama Puneeth.
Information courtesy -

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